We managed to took the public bus from Jiu Fen to Rui Fang Train Station (瑞芳火车站) to catch a train to Hualian. The train journey consumed 2 hours compared traveling by bus that needed 4 hours.
Ah Xiang (阿香)explained to us about the details of the train tickets
Not even bother by her, and kept on shooting photos and observed the environment in Rui Fang Train Station
We're in the 11th train
Packed with Taiwanese and a group of tourists
The personnel will check the ticket in the ticket gate
Our train will be departed on 4.30pm

Go, go, go
We'll in 2B
Electronic signboard that were clearly written about the train information
Ah Xiang said: for those that are in the 11th train, please wait at the platform of 11th train
Rui Fang seemed like a girl or woman's name
Be careful
feel like the train station in Malaysia but the cold and windy weather make me feel happy to wait for the train. I even can wait longer!
Happy girl, JoJo
Rosamond's cute smile
It's freaking cold
Here's the train
finding our seat number
3 of us seat separately
Not much passengers in the train

Slogan advertised by Tourism Taiwan "It's the time traveling to Taiwan"
It's 5pm and the sky almost completely dark
Eager to enjoy the view outside the train
The clogs that she bought from Jiu Fen

24 hours reading commitment as a medical students,Rosamond (this commitment is incredible easy for her since she wished to succeed in medical school)
external view of the train that I boarded
Smoking was restricted
The posters inside the tunnel of the train station
exit point
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The place where we indulged our dinner. It called "Liang Chang" (粮仓)
According to Ah Xiang, "Liang Chang" (粮仓)was established by her old friend. There's a story behind the reasons that she set up her organic concept restaurant.
Long long time ago, her husband was having marriage affair with other woman. She was forced to divorce but she's not willing to do so. Her husband threatened to kill her parents if she's not let him go. Without thinking too much, she chose for committing suicide by drinking bleach. Finally, her lives was saved from that incident but her health conditions was declined sharply. From that time, she learned about the organic and healthy food. Day by day, her health seemed improved. She devoted herself in organic food once she found that consumption of organic food improved her health very well.
The owner put her soul into the establishment of this restaurant
Bamboo rice
Chicken soup
lose memory about the name of this dish!
organic chicken produced by the owner, more healthy compared to live chicken that feed with chemical fertilizers
For those that people salty taste like me, I found this meal consider plain for me. Not even want to try organic meal for next time T____T
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Hua Lian Fu Ye Resort
326 room
What're you doing, JoJo?
Bathing sets
Body and hair shampoo

steamed buns filled with vegetables (水煎包). Each NT 8
It's taste nice
Taiwan style of Popiah. Each NT 35
Having a cup of hot chocolate.
Promotion times!
Below was the supermarket in Hualien (全联福利中心). Not much different with the supermarket Malaysia. The main differences was most of the products name are in Mandarin.

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