I was quite curios about the Fo Guan (佛光山) Buddha Memorial Center (佛陀纪念馆) when Ah Xiang mentioned it. I thought it was the temple but I change my mind when I learned that it was the largest buddhist organization in Taiwan. In 1998, upon receiving last pieces of tooth relics (舍利子)of Buddha from Tibet, the organization began to establish memorial center to let the public able pay their respect. It also serves to educate public about the Buddha culture and art. The founder of Fo Guang San Buddha Memorial Center was Master Xing Yun (星云大师)
As a Buddhist, this was the great cultural experience for me.
Fo Guang San

Lion and baby lion statues
White elephant and baby elephant statues
Entrance of the Welcoming Hall (礼敬大厅)
Dining place
Below were the vegetarian cookings. I get used to eat the vegetarian foods and found that the vegetarians food in here all taste nice. Super like it.
The fried mee even taste better than I ate in the hotel that we stayed previous night

I didn't shoot some of the dishes because the other tour members can't wait to eat anymore. I can't be so selfish and shoot all the dishes.
desperate to shoot her. She look amazing with this dress!
快乐的人生, 不在别人的施舍,在自己争取
快乐的人生, 不在遥远的未来,在当下获得
I'm totally agree with the quote of Master Xing Yun
We've told by Ah Xiang that 7-11 in Fo Guang Shang was the first in Taiwan that selling vegetarian goods and products
It like the modern shopping mall instead of Buddha memorial center
Great Path to Buddhahood could be go through 2 sides
Horse year was coming
Guess what? It's magnet
The name of all the committee members in Fo Guang San
It has 8 pagodas (4 at each side) with different theme exhibition before reaching the great hall whereby sitting buddha located. This place flocked with tourists

I look small from this angle
4 pagodas in left side
4 pagodas in right side
This time shoot near the great Buddha
Among 8 pagodas, we choose Eight Field Pagoda
Clear signboard
Refill my water bottle, long journey will be going on
We move to Four Noble Pagodas (四圣塔)
1st = Pagoda of Compassion
The Great Buddha
2nd= Pagoda of wisdom
We donate and make a wish in the Pagoda of Wisdom.
We even took part in the transcribing Heart Sutra (抄心经)for the Buddha in here after Ah Xiang recommendation. We were informed by the Master in Pagoda of Wisdom the Heart Sutra will be stored with million sutra in the Buddha Memorial Center where they'll locked for hundred years.
Another Master from Pagoda of Vows told us that copying the Heart Sutra contribute to world peace and personal happiness in the long term that we might not realized currently. We plan to copy by using calligraphy pen (include in the transcribing Heart Sutra Kits) in the Jiang Nam Resort and posted to Fo Guang San Buddha Memorial Center. 3 of us decided to transfer the merit to Tay Pa Pa,Tay Ma Mama, Naruto, Mickey and Ah Jiu hence we wrote their names and all our wishes on the sutra.

3rd=Pagoda of practices
4th=Pagoda of vows
Below was the Buddha statues:
The main entrance of Buddha Memorial Center
Once again,I didn't expose so much culture experience in here due to time shortage.
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