
Saturday 28 April 2018

The Words That Define My PhD Journey

“Split into few paragraphs”

“Incomplete sentences”

“No writing flow”

“Rephrase sentences”

(Basic academic writing knowledge)


“Add views”

“Where’s your own discussions?”

(Developing my voice as the academic writer)


“Focus the necessary resources of RBV theory that apply in this study”

(Writing smart)


“Previous literature examine this IV as first-order or second-order constructs?

“Where are the discussions to develop this hypothesis?”

“Discuss how IV relate to DV”

“Discussion should include the IV’s dimensions”

(Predicting variables’ relationships)


“Employees level of IVs discussions are not suitable”

“Focus on the organizational level perspective”

(Figuring my research is organizational level unit of analysis)


“Page 15-33 reads like a textbook. Please relate with the construction industry to make your work more relevant”.

“If possible give examples relate to your study”

(Learning critical thinking) 


 “How you draw the sample from population?”

“How about sample size?”

“What do you mean by contractors? Are they sub-contractors or main contractors?"

“Who is your target respondent? Who are going to answer your questionnaires?”

“So, how many sets of questionnaire you plan to distribute?”

“What’s your sampling technique?”

(Methodology part navigates my research directions)


“Where’s is your variables’ operational definitions?

“Cite the authors in the variables’ operational definitions”

“The measurements you adapt from whom?”

(Quantitative research relies on measurements/instruments)


“Table must fit in one page”

“Allocate space for each paragraph in the table”

“The title of the table must be clear and precise”

(The tips on the use of tables to report the findings)


“Your item loadings, AVE and CR are incorrect as your variables have dimensions”

“It’s so obvious when your HTMT results pretty high”

(Constructs has two types: uni-dimension and multi-dimensions. Each has different ways of analysis)


“Recap the study findings in Chapter 5”

“Using other words in research objectives to show differentiation”

(Supervisors compromise with each other)


“Explain the findings first and justify it later”

(The way of journals deliver their discussion section can’t replicate into UUM thesis)


“You need to stress why study corporate environmental citizenship is important since it is the main gap”

(Referring the current state and desired state of the corporate environmental citizenship helps to identify the corporate environmental citizenship gap)

#Current state=managerial issues
#Desired state=practical issues


“You have the issues and supported evidences, just a matter of reorganized your chapter 1 to focus your main gap follow by study setting and variables with justification”

(It’s important to present ideas and thoughts in words to the readers)


“Section 3.5.1 doesn’t provide operational definition for corporate environmental citizenship. It only indicates corporate environmental citizenship dimensions operational definitions”

“What is the operational definition of organizational ethical climate? Table 3.3 provides the operational definitions for the dimensions of organizational ethical climate.”

(Examiner not pays attention on my study variables)


“It would be beneficial to show the original and modified questionnaire items”

“Indicate range of cronbach alpha for page 67-73”

“The relationship between ethical climate and corporate environmental citizenship is insignificant. Why you still perform mediation test?

(Examiners strengthen and improve research understanding and skills) 


“I’m busy at the moment, will give feedback later. The later refers months and months”

 “I away from the campus, if anything you just deal with co-supervisor”

“Contribute a paper for me.”

(Accepting supervisors career-obsessed and selfish characteristics)

_ _ _ _

Jotting down some reflections to remember my PhD journey-up, downs and tremendous growth.

3/4/18: PhD thesis in hard bound copies and how I relieved to hand over the culmination of three years works to the office, library and supervisors.  


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