
Monday 4 April 2016

Remembering the University Prom Night Many Years Ago

Seeing a friend of mine shared his University’s Prom Night 2016 photos.

It reminded me my undergraduate’s Prom Night at University Sabah Malaysia many years ago.

University Prom Night 2010 with a close friend, Chik Fei. Oh no, I looked awful in the photo. T___T

First in my lifetime stepping into university, I started to learn the faculty and university events. These events were very important in determining incoming semesters’ hostel application.

Since I eager to stay at the hostel rather than rented a room outside the university, so I participated in these events sometimes.

Prom night was one of the faculty events that I joined every year. I joined not because of hostel application but due to the encouragement of other friends.

At that time, I was like “whenever events that my friends involved, I want to involve too”.

Let me describe few “procedures” before the Prom Night. First of all, after knowing the actual date and the theme of Prom Night, I went for dress shopping.

 “Did I want black, white, blue or pink dress?”; “Strapless or tight dress?” The choices were endless.

I felt so excited.  Scrolling the endless dresses at the boutiques or stores was super thrilling. Fitting the countless dresses was an adrenaline rush.

Next, deciding the make-up and hairdo with the roommate, Audrey. She was responsible for my make-up and hairdo.

As a poor undergraduate student, I can’t afford the saloon make-up and hairdo expenses. Fortunately, roommate was so kind in helping me always.

She even read the fashion magazines few months before Prom Night to get some ideas for make-up and hairdo. She wanted to make me looked great, better than great.

My make-up and hairdo session began 4 hours before departing to Prom Night’s hotel. For instance, Audrey started make-up for me on 2 pm if the school bus picked up on 6.00 pm.

The hairdo process took the longest times. We used the cheapest curling irons from 100% discounted store that only able to hold less hair and release not much heat.

“That side of hairs not curls anymore, has to curl again”. I always heard roommate said this statement throughout the curling process again and again. Hahahaha

It’s so comfortable even though the make-up took place at our small and narrow hostel. Laughter never ended during make-up place.

After that, while waiting the school departure to the Prom Night’s hotel, everyone especially the girls loved to comments each other dress, make-up, hairdo and the high heel shoes. It’s another view again.

Then, having great Prom Night dinner with a bunch of friends. It’s one of the better ways for friends bonding too. Of course, we took plenty of photos after dinner.

Posing with the friends with different style was quite fun. But I was too shy to the camera so can’t get the right pose.

Sadly, most of my old photos turned out ugly. I also looked unhappy in the old photos even when I was trying to be.

One of my ugly Prom Night photos. Horrible smiles and wide open legs T____T

I remembered a friend warned me “you better smile correctly, don’t ruin the photo”.

I ruined the above photo. I looked so angry and fierce T____T

Finally, few days after the Prom Night we still commented and laughed with each other again when seeing Prom Night’s complete photos.

I recalled a course mate teased a close friend that it’s wonderful if you could wear the nice dress like the Prom Night for classes.

Now I looked back the Prom Night, a night that obviously showing “Guy was handsome, Girl was beautiful”overall it’s crazy, perfect, fun and funny.

And I told Mickey (5th sister) that not experience the Prom Night yet, must make most of it. You’ll never have a Prom Night again.

Like me, I can’t experience the University Prom Night again.It’s now just a memory. It’s also a life moment that I’m going to remember forever.


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